Saturday, February 4, 2012

Judy Norsigian

      “Blood is going to come out of where?! For a whole week?! Every month?!”
                                                            “What exactly is the Clitoris?”
                  “They make condoms for women? How does that work?”
                                            “What is a Midwife?”
“What are the symptoms and treatment options of certain STDs?”
                   “What are my abortion rights?”
                                                            “Ok, what gives with all these hot flashes?”

     For over forty years Our Bodies, Ourselves has been the landmark book regarding women’s health, reproduction, and sexuality. The woman behind the Boston Women’s Health Book Collective is as remarkable as the text she has presided over from its inception.

     Judy Norsigian is a co-founder of the BWHBC and the co-author of all editions of Our Bodies, Ourselves and she currently serves as its Executive Director. Judy is the primary spokesperson for this non-profit women’s health education, advocacy, and consulting organization. She is also a renowned speaker and writer on a wide range of women’s health concerns, including sexually transmitted infections, abortion and contraception, genetics and reproductive technologies, women and health care reform, tobacco and women, and midwifery and advocacy.

Below is an interview with Judy Norsigian regarding Our Bodies, Ourselves done on December 2, 2011 for "New Mexico: In Focus" in commemoration of the book's 40th anniversary.

Works Cited

Doland, Gwyneth. “Interview: Judy Norsigian, Our Bodies Ourselves (2011-12-2).” Online
     posting. 2 December 2011. YouTube: New Mexico In Focus. 3 February 2012 <http://www.>. Electronic.

Our Bodies, Ourselves. 2005-2011. Boston Women’s Health Book Collective. 3 February 2012
     <>. Electronic.

Post By: Jacqueline Watson



  1. I absolutely loved your attention getters at the beginning. They, like Norsigian does for so many, got me thinking. She is so influential and needed in today’s society. I do like how she is using youtube to globalize her works and bringing in associates. The fact that so much information is available on such a wide scale is truly impressive.
    Comment by: Johnathan Crabtree

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great person to pick. I have been meaning to get a copy of this book for a while. Have you read it? What do you think? I would like to know more about what got her on the path of "Our Bodies, Ourselves."

    Molly Turner
