Thursday, February 20, 2014

Emma Goldman

Emma Goldman was born on June 27, 1869. She is known for being an anarchist, radical feminist, and for her speeches and writing. She played a key role in the progression of the anarchist political philosophy. She was born in Lithuania. Her family later moved to St. Petersburg and her father denied her from continuing her education. Despite being unable to attend school, Emma constantly read and studied the politics of her day. In 1885, Emma and her sister Helena emigrated to Rochester, New York and lived in New York City. 

While living in New York, Emma joined the burgeoning anarchist movement. She was married for a brief time but quickly divorced her husband as she progressively became more involved in the anarchist movement. She became a writer and lectured on anarchist philosophies, women's rights, and social issues. She wrote many books and speeches on anarchy and women's rights as well. 

While being a part of this movement, Emma and her close friend, Alexander Berkman, plotted to assasinate Henry Clay Frick. After a failed attempt of assassination, Alexander was sentenced to twenty-two years in prison. Emma later went to prison on several occasions for inciting to riot and illegally distributing information of birth control. She was later sentenced to two years in prison for attempting to persuade young men not to sign up for the draft. She was later deported back to Russia once she was released from prison.

To me, Emma was a very driven woman. Despite everything that was thrown at her, she was willing to do anything she could to make her voice heard. She attracted thousands with her speeches and thousands more with her books. Emma is proof that women can achieve great things despite being put down by men and authorities.

Works Cited

-Lyndie Whiting

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