Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Emma Goldman by Kristen Owen

    Emma Goldman was born in Kovno, Russia in 1869; she grew up in a low income family and had to go to work at an early age as a seamstress. She was a huge reader and this did a lot to shape her political views. She grew into a huge political and social activist she was once quoted saying, “The history of progress is written in the blood of men and women who have dared to espouse an unpopular cause, as, for instance, the black man’s right to his body, or the woman’s right to her soul.” Goldman was an anarchist she was a strong civil rights activist, she helped push for an 8 hour work day, and was also an activist for woman's rights.
     At one point her and her lover planned to assassinate a man who was trying to suppress a factory strike, she was so entangled in her cause that she became a prostitute for a while in order to raise money for a gun to kill him. She was a very passionate woman who believed in equality for all people no matter the race or gender. She eventually became a huge advocate for birth control. She had a very interesting life full of many triumphs for humans rights.

  1. "Emma Goldman." Emma Goldman. Web. 24 Feb. 2015.

     2. "Goldman, Emma, 1869-1940." Goldman, Emma, 1869-1940. Web. 24 Feb. 


  1. I did not know about Emma Goldman until now and I thank you for informing me about her. That is such a powerful quote that you’ve shared by Emma, “The history of progress is written in blood of men and women…” That’s so true, because we live in a society where only leaders can change anything and that we must follow than to think or act for ourselves and others. Aside from what her and her lover was planning to do, which I think was a little too much (laughs). She does indeed, stands up for what she believes in.
    -Colette Davis

  2. I have heard the name Emma Goldman before in history classes, but I never paid any attention, or even bothered to look her up. I can honestly say, that I will be googling more of her information as soon as I get a chance. Her passion is inspiring, and the lengths she would go to for what she believed in amazes me. We need more people like this today (maybe without the planned murder part) in the fight for equality for all. She was a leader and definitely had a spark (more like a blaze) in her that she used to push for what she believed was right.
    -Colby Fletcher
