Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Michelle Tea – by Kelsey Baucom

RADAR Productions was founded by Michelle Tea in 2003 as a non-profit organization that works toward publishing and promoting queer and underground writers. Their goal is to authentically reflect the queer community's experiences through art and literature. 
 Michelle Tea also co-founded the group of poets and speakers known as Sister Spit: Next Generation, defining itself as a "queer multimedia literary performance tour." 
 In addition to these two major exploits, Tea is also an accomplished author, her publications including four memoirs, a book of poetry, and three novels, with two more in the works. She also writes frequently for various magazines and blogs. Her writing examines issues of class, queer identity, and feminism. 

Michelle currently lives in San Francisco, the home base of RADAR Productions, with her partner, Dashiell, and their newborn baby, Atticus. She is currently working on a project called "Mutha Magazine," which explores all the facets of motherhood – feminist parenting, queer and straight moms, adoptions, surrogates, how to do life while raising kids – with entries made by dozens of women, and men, from numerous backgrounds, ages, races, and stages of life. 

                                       Works Cited

"About Us." Mutha Magazine. N.p., 2013. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. 
"Michelle Tea." Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation, n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. 
"RADAR Productions." RADAR Productions. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2015.


  1. Great choice. Michelle Tea is amazing. I have a list of her books that I plan on reading. This blog gave me more information about her that I didn’t know though, and it was very informative and interesting! I didn’t know that she was the founder of RADAR. I think it is powerful how she uses art forms such as writing and poetry to get her messages across. Words can be extremely powerful and it sounds like Michelle Tea is using her power of words to their full extent. I definitely believe that she can be classified as an unsung hero. Especially to the queer community.
    -Colby Fletcher

  2. The fact that someone stands up to represent a group of people who are a minority is cool to me. I think it takes a person like Michelle Tea to stand up to make voices more heard. While we still have a long way to go as a nation of equality, small steps like this make a big difference in the long run. I’m definitely going to look up her poetry group and some of the books she has written.
